This year means more than any other year wrote for the 11 Day. As many of you already know, my sister Macey is going through a difficult battle right now with Bone Cancer. I have always played for people in my life that have gone though the trials of this terrible illness and beat it. This year I'm playing for Macey and I'm playing for the fight she's going through right now. Please consider supporting my 11 Day PP goal. I'm skating for Macey and for her family this year and it means more to me than I could ever tell to be a part of the amazing fund raising that is done for Roswell Park. Roswell has been there every step of the way for my sister so far and continues to do so on an unmatched level. They truly are the best in the game at what they do.
Cherish every moment and live for every day. I love you all. \u2665\ufe0f
I need your support! I am playing in the #11DPP Community Shift this summer. It will be a grueling three hour shift but nothing compared to what cancer patients endure. Please support me to #PutCancerOnIce. Proceeds of the event will support cutting-edge research and wellness programs at Roswell Park, Make-A-Wish WNY, Camp Good Days, Roswell Park and Oishei Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Program and The Petey Fund.