The word itself is ugly and carries bad connotations. We may disagree on everything else, but I think the one thing that we can ALL agree on is that CANCER SUCKS!!!
I don't think I know a single person whose life has not been touched by cancer in some way, shape, or form. I have lost friends and relatives to this disease. Fortunately, I also know my fair share of survivors, including my mom. But that's not enough.
NO ONE should have to fight cancer. I know that this is just a drop in the bucket, but playing in the 11 Day Power Play is my small way of contributing.
Make no mistake, it's going to be HARD for me. I'm old, fat, out of shape (as in, zero cardiovascular fitness), and have one crappy knee. But this is NOTHING compared to what cancer patients and their families face, day after day, sometimes even for years. I think I can "endure" three hours of one of my favorite sports in memory and in honor of those who have had it so much worse.
I am humbly asking for your help. We are raising money for organizations that care for patients and their families, namely Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Oishei Children's Hospital, the Make-A-Wish foundation, and Camp Good Days. It doesn't need to be a large amount. If every one of my contacts donated just ONE DOLLAR, I would easily surpass my fundraising goal of $750.
I cannot stress this enough! Just follow the link to donate by credit or debit card, or make checks payable to:
The 11 Day Power Play. PO. Box 4 Buffalo, NY 14223